यद्यत्संस्कृतसाहित्यविषये जानामि तत् लेखितुम् इदमेकं माध्यममिति मन्ये। अन्येऽपि लेखिष्यन्तीति आशासे।
शास्त्रं वदति -13
एतच्चतुर्विधं प्राहुः साक्षाद्धर्मस्य लक्षणम् ।।
vedaḥ smṛtiḥ sadācāraḥ svasya ca priyamātmanaḥ|
etaccaturvidhaṁ prāhuḥ sākṣāddharmasya lakṣaṇam||
वेदः = The veda (s)
स्मृतिः = Dharmasastra texts
सदाचारः = good conduct(which was followed by sages)
स्वस्य आत्मनः प्रियं = happiness of ones’s own mind
एतच्चतुर्विधं = all these four
लक्षणम् = definition
धर्मस्य = for dharma
प्राहुः = it is said
It is said that, the vedas, dharmasastra texts (like manusmruti), good
conduct being practiced by great people and the happiness of one’s own
mind, together form the definition of Dharma.
शास्त्रं वदति- 12
This sloka is from the third chapter fifty sixth verse of manu smriti.
यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः।
यत्र एतास्तु न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफलाः क्रियाः ।। (3,56)
yatra nāryastu pūjyante ramante tatra devatāḥ|
yatra etastu na pūjyante saravastatra aphalāḥ kriyāḥ||
Where the women are honoured there the gods are pleased. But where the women are not honoured there the sacred rites performed will not be fruitful.
यत्र – where , नार्यस्तु- women are ,पूज्यन्ते – honoured, तत्र – There, देवताः – gods are , रमन्ते – pleased, यत्र – where , एतास्तु – these (women are) , न – not, पूज्यन्ते – honoured, तत्र – There , सर्वाः क्रियाः – the actions , अफलाः – are not fruitful.
शास्त्रं वदति- 11
This sloka is from the third chapter fifty fifth verse of manu smriti.
पितृभिः भ्रातृभिः च एताः पतिभिः देवरैस्तथा ।
पूज्याः भूषयितव्याश्च बहुकल्याणम् ईप्सुभिः ।। (3, 55)
pitṛbhiḥ bhrātṛbhiḥ ca etāḥ paribhiḥ devaraistathā|
pūjyāḥ bhūṣitavyāśca bahukalyāṇam īpsubhiḥ||
Women shoud be honoured and adorned by fathers, brothers, husbands and brothers-in-law. If a person desires his own welfare and prosperity then he should honour women.
एताः – women ,पूज्याः – should be honoured, च –and, भूषितव्याः – should be adorned, पितृभिः – by fathers, भ्रातृभिः – by brothers, पतिभिः – by husbands, च- and, देवरैः – by brothers- in-law.
ईप्सुभिः- one who desires, बहुकल्याणम् - welfare (should honour women).
श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते – 18
कीर्तिं भैमीं वरं चास्मै दातुमेवागमन्नमी ।
न लीढे धीर वैदग्धीं धीरगम्भीरगाहिनी।। (17, 134)
kīrtiṁ bhamīṁ varaṁ cāsmai dātumevāgamannamī|
na līḍhe dhīra vaidagdhīṁ dhīragambhiragāhinī||
नलः भैमीं कामयमानोऽपि देवाद्यर्थं दूत्यं अकरोत्। एवं विधोऽतिधीरः कोपि नास्तीति यशः, दमयन्तीमिति द्वौ वरौ ऩलाय दातुमेव देवाः स्वयंवरं अगच्छन्, न तु भैमीं वरितुम्। कलिः तु इमं विषयं न वेत्ति, यतः, येषां गम्भीरार्थग्राहिणी न भवति तादृश मूढानां बुद्धिः महाशयानां चातुरीं न वेत्ति।
The above sloka is from the seventeenth canto and 134th verse of NaishadIya charitam of srI Harsha.
The context here is: The devas- indra, agni, Yama and VaruNa were returning from the swayamvara of DamayantI. On their way they met kali, who disdainfully announces his desire towards Damayanti. But the devas said that DamayantI has already chosen nala, ignoring the rests. Unable to tolerate the news, kali burst out in anger, abusing the devas and nala.
On hearing the ludicrous rant of kali, goddess saraswati says these words- ‘The devas went to the swayamvara not with the intention of marrying DamayantI. But, only to bless DamayantI and nala and also to give them fame and happiness.
The goddess saraswatI says that the
'The actions or the intentions of an intellectual can be understood only by a discerning individual.’
अमी –The devas, आगमन् – came ,एव- only , दातुम्- to give, कीर्तिं- fame, भैमीं- DamyantI, च- and, वरं- boon, अस्मै-to nala .
धीः – The mind,
अगम्भीर गाहिनी ( न गम्भीर गाहिनी) – that cannot understand real intentions, न लीढे- cannot comprehend,
वैदग्धीम्- The ideas , धीर- of great men.
On a personal note: This sloka is not only for kali, but it is also for the readers of naishadIya charitam. Because it is really difficult to understand the style of srI Harsha by reading it once. Usage of rare dhaatus in the slokas makes the reader refer the grammar texts.
वैराग्यशतकम् - विषयत्यागः - 12
वियोगे को भेदस्त्यजति न जनो यत् स्वयममून्।
व्रजन्तः स्वातन्त्र्यादतुलपरितापाय मनसः
स्वयं त्यक्ता ह्येते शमसुखमनन्तं विदधति॥१२॥
avaśyaṁ yātāraḥ cirataram uṣitvāpi viṣayā
viyoge ko bhedaḥ tyajati na jano yat svayamamūn|
vrajantaḥ svātantryāt atula-paritāpāya manasaḥ
svayaṁ tyaktā hyete śama-sukham anantaṁ vidadhati||12||
विषया अस्मासु चिरकालम् उषित्वा गम्यमाना एव। तस्मात् ते स्वयं गच्छन्ति अथवा वयं तान् त्यजामः इति द्वयोरन्तरे को भेदः। विषयाः यदा स्वयं गच्छन्ति तदा भृशं दुःखं ददति। यदि वयं स्वयं तान् विषयान् त्यजामः तर्हि वयम् अनन्तानन्दम् अनुभवामः।
विषया – sensual pleasures
उषित्वापि – even after staying
चिरतरं – for a long time
अवश्यं – will surely
यातारः – be gone
वियोगे – in departure
को भेदः – what is the difference
यत् – that
जनः – people
स्वयं – of their own accord
न त्यजति – do not give up
अमून् – these
व्रजन्तः – (when they) leave
स्वातन्त्र्यात् – on their own
अतुलपरितापाय – incomparable misery
मनसः – to the mind
स्वयं त्यक्ता – when given up by themselves (by people)
ह्येते – these indeed
विदधति – give
अनन्तं – infinite
शमसुखम् – happiness of self-control
Sensual pleasures are sure to go away from us at some point, even if they stay with us for a long time. So, What is the difference if they depart or we give them up? The difference is – when the pleasures leave us of their own accord, our mind is sorely afflicted. However, when we give them up voluntarily, the happiness that arises from such self-control is infinite.
कविः – 4
‘सद्यः परनिर्वृत्तये कान्तासम्मिततयोपदेशयुजे’ इति काव्यस्य ख्यातिः अस्ति। काव्येषु पञ्चमहाकाव्यानि प्रसिद्धानि। तादृश पञ्चमहाकाव्येषु एकतमस्य नैषधीयचरितस्य प्रणेता श्रीहर्षः अस्ति। सः कविः श्रीहीरपण्डितान्मामल्लदेव्यां समजनीति तस्य काव्यस्य प्रतिसर्गस्य समाप्तिश्लोकतः ज्ञायते।
अत्र हि श्लोकः -
श्रीहर्षं कविराजराजिमुकुटालंकारहीरः सुतं
श्रीहीरः सुषुवे जितेन्द्रियचयं मामल्लदेवी च यम्।
तच्चिन्तामणिमन्त्रचिन्तनफले श्रृङ्गारभङ्ग्या महा-
काव्ये चारुणि नैषधीयचरिते सर्गोऽयमादिर्गतः ।।
आसीत् काश्यां राजा जयन्तचन्द्रो नाम। तस्य च राज्ञः सदसि बहवः विद्वांसः बभूवुः। तत्रैको हीरनामा विप्रः। तस्य नन्दनः प्राज्ञचक्रवर्ती श्रीहर्षः।
यदा श्रीहर्षः बालावस्थायाम् आसीत् तदा एकस्मिन् दिने राजसभायां पण्डितेन एकेन वादे हीरः जितः। तदनन्तरं हीरः दुःखे मग्नोऽभूत्। सः हीरः मृत्युकाले पुत्रं हर्षमाहूय – ‘नृपसदसि जितोऽहं पण्डितेन। तन्मे दुःखम्। यदि त्वं सत्पुत्रोऽसि, तर्हि भूमिपालसदसि तं वादिनं जयेः’ इत्युक्त्वा दिवं गतः।
श्रीहर्षः विविधाचार्येषु अलंकारगीतगणितज्यौतिषव्याकरणचूडामणिमन्त्रादि सर्वाः विद्याः प्रजग्राह। गङ्गातीरे सुगुरुदत्तं चिन्तामणिमन्त्रं साधयामास। तदा साक्षात् भारती प्रत्यक्षाऽभूत्। अमोघादेशवराप्तिः अभूत्। तेन हर्षेण यत् उच्यते तत् अन्यैः केवलं श्रूयते परन्तु न किमप्यवगम्यते। ततः अतिविद्ययाऽपि लोकागोचरतया पुनः भारती उपास्यते कविना। भारत्योपदिष्टः सः आर्द्रशिरसि दधि पपौ, कफांशावतरात् सः लेशं जडताम् प्राप्नोत्, तथा च, बोध्यवागासीत्।
तदनन्तरं, वादे पितृवैरिणं वादिनं जित्वा, पितृवाक्यं परिपाल्य, द्वाविंशतिसर्गयुक्तं नैषधीयचरितं च विरचय्य राज्ञे दर्शितम्।हर्षितो राजा तस्मै सम्मानं प्रयच्छत्।
पञ्चमहाकाव्येषु नैषधीयचरितस्यार्थावगमनं दुष्करमस्ति, लेशजडस्थित्यामेवास्य कवेः कठिनप्रयोगाः, किं पुनः संपूर्णज्ञाने ?
Poet -4
srI harsha
SrI Harsha is the author of NaishadIya charitam, the one among the pancha mahAkavyam in Sanskrit. At the end of every canto he mentions about his father hIra, a great scholar and his mother mAmalla devI.
The sloka reads-
श्रीहर्षं कविराजराजिमुकुटालंकारहीरः सुतं
श्रीहीरः सुषुवे जितेन्द्रियचयं मामल्लदेवी च यम्।
तच्चिन्तामणिमन्त्रचिन्तनफले श्रृङ्गारभङ्ग्या महा-
काव्ये चारुणि नैषधीयचरिते सर्गोऽयमादिर्गतः ।।
śrīharṣaṁ kavi-rāja-rāji-mukuṭālaṅkāra-hīraḥ sutaṁ
śrīhīraḥ suṣuve jitendriyacayaṁ māmalladevī ca yam
taccintāmaṇi-mantra-cintana-phale śṛṅgārabhaṅgyā mahā-
kāvye cāruṇi naiṣadīyacarite sargo'yamādirgataḥ
There was a king by name Jayachandra in
Having promised his father srI harsha learnt not only the sAstras under many teachers, but he also learnt the cintAmaNi mantra and mastered the mantra in a year and acquired high knowledge, by which people were unable to understand what he said. So, as advised by goddess saraswatI, during
An average reader would find it difficult to comprehend even the current work in one reading, then one could very well imagine………. If he had continued writing in the original style.
श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते - 17
किरन्तीम् अङ्गेभ्यः किरणनिकुरुम्बामृतरसम्
हृदि त्वाम् आधत्ते हिमकरशिलामूर्तिमिव यः।
स सर्पाणां दर्पं शमयति शकुन्ताधिप इव
ज्वरप्लुष्टान् दृष्ट्या सुखयति सुधाधारसिरया॥
kirantīm aṅgebhyaḥ kiraṇa-nikurumbā-mṛta-rasaṁ
hṛdi tvām ādhatte hima-kara-śilā-mūrtim iva yaḥ
sa sarpāṇāṁ darpaṁ śamayati śakuntādhipa iva
jvara-pluṣṭān dṛṣṭyā sukhayati sudhā-dhāra-sirayā || 20 ||
In the Advaita-l mailing list, Prof. V. Krishnamurthy has given a wonderful explanation which follows Shri Paramacharya's discourse on Saundaryalahari. Click here for the explanation.
Recitation of this sloka has been very effective in reducing fever.
It is always advisable to follow one's guru's instructions before venturing into mantra sastra.
श्लोकोऽयं मया रचितम्
पञ्चैतेषु बहिर्गतां न हि सदाप्यक्षीणरूपास्तथा।
षष्ठं यन्मन इत्यगोचरगतिश्चित्रं भवेत्तद्बहि-
र्व्यापारेण विनैव तुष्टिमतुलां दत्वापि नो नश्यति॥
pratyakṣe karaṇaṁ tvagādyaviralā ṣaṭsaṁkhyakā dehināṁ
pañcaiteṣu bahirgatāṁ na hi sadāpyakṣīṇarūpāstathā|
ṣaṣṭhaṁ yanmana ityagocaragatiścitraṁ bhavettadbahi-
rvyāpāreṇa vinaiva tuṣṭimatulāṁ datvāpi no naśyati||
There are 6 senses thro' which we perceive objects of the world. They are (according to Nyaya philosophy) eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin and mind. Among these the first five traverse outside and as age catches up they become weaker and weaker. But this sixth sense Manas whose tracks are untraceable, is not visible to the outside world, gives immense pleasure, and yet, is not destroyed or weakened at any point in our life.
वैराग्यशतकम् - विषयत्यागः - 11
न संसारोत्पन्नं चरितमनुपश्यामि कुशलं
विपाकः पुण्यानां जनयति भयं मे विमृशतः।
महद्भिः पुण्यौघैः चिरपरिगृहीताश्च विषया
महान्तो जायन्ते व्यसनमिव दातुं विषयिणाम्॥११॥
na saṁsārotpannaṁ caritam anupaśyāmi kuśalaṁ
vipākaḥ puṇyānāṁ janayati bhayaṁ me vimṛśataḥ|
mahadbhiḥ puṇyaughaiḥ ciraparigṛhītāḥ viṣayā
mahānto jāyante vyasanamiva dātuṁ viṣayiṇām||11||
पुण्येन जनाः स्वर्गलोकं प्राप्नुवन्ति। क्षीणे पुण्ये पुनः मर्त्यलोकं विशन्ति। द्वेपि पापपुण्ये बन्धायैव भवतः। पुण्यनिचयोऽपि मे भयम् उत्पादयति, यतः पुण्येन विषयास्वादः वर्धते एव। तस्मात् संसारात् किमपि सुकार्यं न पश्यामीति वदत्यत्र कविः।
न अनुपश्यामि – I do not see
कुशलं – any good
संसारोत्पन्नं चरितं – in the wordly virtuous deeds
विमृशतः – for, upon reflection
पुण्यानां विपाकः – result of virtuous deeds
मे भयं जनयति – induces fear in me
विषयाः – enjoyments
परिगृहीताः – earned
महद्भिः पुण्यौघैः – by great merits/punya
महान्तो जायन्ते – multiply greatly
दातुं – to give
व्यसनं – misery
विषयिणाम् – to those who are attached to the enjoyments
I do not see any benefit from doing good again and again with the aim to enjoy happiness in heaven. Even the result of virtuous deeds inspires fear in me. People get attached to the results that arise from doing good deeds, thus the desire to enjoy more grows in them, giving rise to miseries.
शास्त्रं वदति – 10
Manu has assigned duties for people belonging to each varNa or caste. The following sloka states the duties of a BrAhmin.
अध्यापनम् अध्ययनं यजनं याजनं तथा।
दानं प्रतिग्रहं च एव ब्राह्मणानाम् अकल्पयत् ।। (1- 8) .
adhyāpanam adhyayanaṁ yajanaṁ yājanaṁ tathā|
dānaṁ pratigrahaṁ caiva brāhmaṇanām akalpayat||
Teaching and studying the Vedas. Performing yAga or sacrifice for the welfare of the society and also for his own benefit. Giving and accepting alms. These are the duties assigned to a brAhmin.
अध्यापनम् – Teaching, अध्ययनम्- Learning, यजनं- sacrifice or the act of sacrificing, याजनं- performing or conducting a sacrifice ,तथा- Like that,
दानं- giving alms, च- and, प्रतिग्रहं- accepting alms, अकल्पयत् –thought or assigned, ब्राह्मणानां – for the brAhmins.
श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते – 16
कामं नीचमिदं वदन्तु पुरुषाः स्वप्ने च यद्वर्धते
विश्वस्तेषु च वञ्चनापरिभवश्चौर्यं न शौर्यं हि तत् ।।
स्वाधीना वचनीयतापि हि वरं बद्धो न सेवाञ्जलिः
मार्गो ह्येष नरेन्द्रसौप्तिकवधे पूर्वं कृतो द्रौणिना ।। (3, 11)
kāmaṁ nīcamidaṁ vadantu puruṣāḥ svapne ca yadvardhate
viśvasteṣu ca vañcanāparibhavaścauryaṁ na śauryaṁ hi tat
svādhinā vacanīyatāpi hi varaṁ baddho na sevāñjaliḥ
mārgo hyeṣa narendrasauptikavadhe pūrvaṁ kṛto drauṇinā
अयं श्लोकः शूद्रकप्रणीत मृच्छकटिकनाटकस्य तृतीयाऽङ्के अस्ति। चोरः शर्विलकः स्वचौर्यकार्यः नात्यधमः कार्यः इति वदति। परसेवाभ्यः वरं हि अयं कार्यः इत्युक्तवा – ‘निद्रावस्थायां जनान् वञ्चनं न प्रथमं मया क्रियते। पूर्वमेव अश्वत्थामा, कुरुक्षेत्रसंग्रामे रात्रौ पाण्डवशिविरं प्रविश्य सुखसुप्तान् पाण्डुपुत्रान् निजघान ‘ इति प्रस्थापयति।
The above verse is from the third act of the drama ‘mrchchakatikam’ written by sUdraka.
These are the words of the thief sharvIlaka who enters the house of chArudatta during the night to steal. He says- ‘Let the people say anything about thieving that is done during the night time. The good people always portray the art of thieving not as the work of a valorous person. Whatever it is, I am my own master in this field and I do not beg a rich man for a job. Moreover, I am not the first one to perform this deed while the people are asleep….who can forget the AshwathAma episode when he killed the sons of pANdavas while they were asleep.
पुरुषाः-Good men, इदं- call this theft and cheating, नीचं- as the lowest deed.
वदन्तु- let them say, कामं- as they wish.
तत् – cheating and thieving , शौर्यं न – are not a brave work, हि- because, चौर्यं - The theft, यद्वर्धते- happens , च – and the ,वञ्चनापरिभव – people are deceived or cheated , स्वप्ने – when they are asleep, च – and, विश्वस्तेषु – when it is calm.
(But I consider) वचनीयतापि- I am ready to accept the censure that I am a thief, (But I am proud that) स्वाधीना- I am doing a work not depending on anyone, हि – and this is definitely ,वरं – better than, बद्धो – bound to someone, सेवाञ्जलिः- with folded hands.
Moreover, एषः मार्गः – this way (Cheating the people while they are asleep) पूर्वं – before, न हि द्रौणिना कृतो – is this not done by droNa’s son ( ashwathAma), नरेन्द्रसौप्तिकवधे – by killing the sons of pANdavas. (ashwathAma killed the sons of pANdavas when they were asleep).
This piece is a gem for budding advocates who can take cue from the author to justify even grave deeds. The analogy he uses to compare the thief with AshwathAma and defending the act on the basis of self-reliance is to be appreciated.
श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते-15
कदर्थितस्यापि हि धैर्यवृत्तेर्न शक्यते धैर्यगुणः प्रमार्ष्टुम्।
अधोमुखस्यापि कृतस्य वह्नेर्नाधश्शिखा याति कदाचिदेव।। (ऩीतिशतकम् -77)
kadarthitasyāpi hi dhairyavṛtterna śakyate dhairyagunaḥ pramārṣṭum
adhomukhasyāpi kṛtasya vahnernādhaśśikhā yāti kadācideva
यथा महता प्रयत्नेनापि अग्नेर्ज्वाला न नीचैः प्रसर्पति, स्वभावतो अग्निः ऊर्ध्वमेव प्रयाति, तथैव प्रकृत्या धीरस्य पुरुषस्य दुर्दशायामपि न धैर्यच्युतिः संभवति।
The above sloka is from Bhartrhari’s nIti satakam.
It is not possible to change the quality of valour in a valiant man even when he is in disgrace. Even when the fire is held upside down, the flames never burn downward.
न शक्यते- It is not possible, प्रमार्ष्टुम् – to change, धैर्यगुणः- The valorous quality, धैर्यवृत्तेः – present in a Person who is bold by nature, कदर्थितस्यापि- Even during the time of calamity. शिखा- flame, वह्नेः- of the fire, अधोमुखस्य कृतस्यापि- even held upside down, न कदाचित् एव- never, याति- moves (burns) , अधो- downwards.
श्लोकोऽयं मया रचितम्
प्रोत्साहितो हि मे हृदा श्लोकश्चोक्तो हि मे गिरा।।
My friend wrote a sloka, impressed by the sloka and motivated by my mind. My words turned into a sloka.
कविः -3
श्री नीलकण्ठदीक्षितः सप्तादश शतके (century) अवसत्। सः मधुरापुरी (Madurai) राज्यस्य राज्ञः ‘तिरुमलै नायकस्य’ प्रधानमन्त्रिः आसीत्। सः श्री अप्पयदीक्षितस्य परम्परायाम् आगतः। बाल्यादेव बहुभ्यः गुरुभ्यः अध्ययनात् तस्य प्रतिभा वर्धिता।
श्री नीलकण्ठदिक्षितः ‘शिवलीलार्णवः’ तथा च ‘गङ्गावतारणम्’ इति द्वौ ग्रन्थौ अरचयत्। शिवलीलार्णवे शिवस्य मधुरापुरी नगरप्रसङ्गम् अवर्णयत् कविः, तथा च गङ्गावतारणे, राजकुमारस्य भगीरथस्य प्रयत्नेन, भूलोके गङ्गायाः आनयनम् च अवर्णयत्।
‘नीलकण्ठविजयचम्पू’ इति गद्यपद्यात्मकरूपं काव्यमपि अरचयत् सः। अस्मिन् ग्रन्थे सुराऽसुराणाम् अमृतमथनप्रसङ्गं तथा च लोकरक्षणाय शिवस्य हलाहलविषस्वीकरणघट्टं च अवर्णयत्। तस्य ‘आनन्दसागरस्तवं’ तथा च ' शिवोत्कर्षमञ्जरी ' इति द्वावपि भक्तिप्रतिपादनग्रन्थौ स्तः।
‘कलिविडम्बनम्’, ‘शान्तिविलासः’ तथा च ‘सभारञ्जनशतकमिति’ त्रिषु ग्रन्थेषु, समाजे ये दुराचाराः वर्तन्ते, कथं जनाः पण्डितनाम्ना अपण्डितैः वञ्चिताः भवन्ति इति विषयान् स्वीकृत्य, हास्य तथा मनोरञ्जकश्लोकैः कविना लिख्यते। संस्कृतसाहित्ये अयमेव कविः प्रथमम् एतेषु विषयेषु अलिखत् इति यशोऽपि प्राप्यते कविना।
Poet – 3
srI nIlakanta DIkshita
SrI nIlakaNta DIkshita belonged to the 17th century and cannot be considered as a poet of remote past from the Indian standard of antiquity.
srI nIlakanta DIkshita was the court poet as well as the chief minister of king Tirumala nAyaka who ruled madurai during the 17th century A.D. He hails from a family of scholars and the great poet and philosopher- SrI apapaya dIkshita is his ancestor. SrI nIlakantha had good education under several noble preceptors, which enabled him to shine as a good scholar and poet.
He has written two major works. They are the siva lIlArNava and GangAvatAraNa. The first book describes the episodes of siva at madurai and the latter one depicts the story of the celestial ganges coming to the earth through the continuous effort of prince Bhageeratha.
In another work ‘nIlakantha vijaya champu’ – which is a blend of prose and poetry, the poet describes the churning of milky ocean by divines and demons and lord siva consuming the hAlahAla poison, in order to save the universe.
The book 'Ananda sAgara stava' has verses on praise of the goddess meenAkshi and 'sivotkarsa manjari' which extols the greatness of lord siva are the devotional works of the poet.
'Kalividambanam', 'sAnti vilAsam' and 'sabhAranjan satakam' are some of his minor works of didactic character. The 'kalividambanam' and 'sabhAranjana satakam' each consisting of hundred slokas were the two earliest poems portraying the social evils. It was nIlakanta dIkshita who first attempted on these topics in a satirical way.
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मञ्जुरामायणम् -4
आधाय चारोप्य बभञ्ज मध्ये स्वमाश्रमं च प्रथमं सहैव ।।
rāmo yato manmathamanmathastāt kruddheva cāpaṁ puramardanasya
ādhāya cāropya babhañja madhye svamāśramaṁ ca prathamaṁ sahaiva
रामो = Sri Rama
मन्मथमन्मथस्तात् = being the cupid of cuipds
क्रुद्धेव = (like)got angry
च = and
आधाय = after taking
आरोप्य = streched(to tie the string)
चापं = the bow
पुरमर्दनस्य = of Sri Parameshvarasya
बभञ्ज = broke
मध्ये = in the middle
सहैव = alongwith
प्रथमं = the first
स्वमाश्रमं = own ashrama(Brahmacahrayaashrama)
च = also
बभञ्ज = broke.
It seemed as if Sri Rama, being handsome like manmatha, was angry when he broke Lord Siva's bow (since lord siva was enemy of cupid, who was killed by shiva). Not only did he break the bow but also his bachelorhood because he got married to Sita because of this.
वैराग्यशतकम् - आशा - 10
सोढो दुस्सहशीततापपवनक्लेशो न तप्तं तपः।
ध्यातं वित्तमहर्निशं नियमितप्राणैर्नशम्भोः पदं
तत्तत्कर्म कृतं यदेव मुनिभिस्तैस्तैः फलैर्वञ्छिताः॥
kṣāntaṁ na kṣamayā gṛhocitasukhaṁ tyaktaṁ na santoṣataḥ
soḍho dussaha-śīta-tāpa-pavana-kleśo na taptaṁ tapaḥ
dhyātaṁ vittam aharniśaṁ niyamitaprāṇaiḥ na śambhoḥ padam
tattatkarma kṛtaṁ yadeva munibhiḥ taistaiḥ phalaiḥ vañchitāḥ
क्षान्तं न क्षमया – I have tolerated everything (insult) not out of forgiveness but because I do not possess the power to do anything otherwise.
गृहोचितसुखं त्यक्तं न सन्तोषतः – I forsook pleasures of home, like eating, not willingly but because I am not able to enjoy them (maybe due to old age, disease etc)
सोढो – I have borne
दुस्सह – the intolerable
शीत – cold
ताप – heat
पवन – wind
क्लेशः – troubles
न तप्तं तपः – I have only tried to bear the cold, heat and other such natural troubles but not done penance.
नियमितप्राणैः – controlling the vital airs
अहर्निशं – day and night
वित्तं ध्यातं – I have meditated upon wealth
न शम्भोः पदम् – and not the feet of Lord Shiva
तत्तत्कर्म कृतं – I did every action
यदेव मुनिभिः – that ascetics perform
तैस्तैः फलैर्वञ्छिताः – but I have been cheated by the results.
Every action of mine is an imitation of what ascetics do, yet I have not attained the result that they get.
मन एव मनुष्याणां कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः॥ अमृतबिन्दूपनिषद् - 2॥
mana eva manuṣyāṇāṁ kāraṇaṁ bandhamokṣayoḥ amṛtabindūpaniṣad - 2
‘Mind is the reason for bondage or liberation’. When the intention for any action is right the result is also correct.
वैराग्यशतकम् - आशा - 9
कृते किं नास्माभिः विगलितविवेकैः व्यवसितम्।
यदाढ्यानामग्रे द्रविण-मद-निःसंज्ञमनसां
कृतं वीतव्रीडैः निजगुणकथापातकमपि॥
amīṣāṁ prāṇānāṁ tulitabisinīpatrapayasāṁ
kṛte kiṁ nāsmābhiḥ vigalitavivekaiḥ vyavasitam
yadāḍhyānāmagre draviṇa-mada-niḥsaṁjñamanasāṁ
kṛtaṁ vītavrīḍaiḥ nijaguṇakathāpātakamapi
Life which is constituted of the five prāṇas, is very fickle like the water on a lotus leaf. For such a transient thing, depraved of discrimation, what have we not done! Without any shame we have extolled our own merits in front of the wealthy whose minds are stupefied by pride of wealth.
According to scriptures self-glorification is considered a sin. Whether it is a sin or not, the point we need to understand is - it is useless talking about ourselves to people who do not care about anything else other than money.
शास्त्रं वदति - 9
मृते भर्तरि धर्मकामा तदानीमेव स्थाप्याभरणं शुल्कशेषं च लभेत॥१९॥
mṛte bhartari dharmakāmā tadānīmeva sthāpyābharaṇaṁ śulkaśeṣaṁ ca labheta19
'A woman who wishes to lead a pious life after her husband's death, immediately recieves all her money and jewellery that she may have kept in safe keeping with her in-laws, and another money that is remaining from parents' house too.'
कुटुम्बकामा तु श्वशुरपतिदत्तं निवेशकाले लभेत॥२१॥
kuṭumbakāmā tu śvaśurapatidattaṁ niveśakāle labheta21
'If she wishes to marry (kutumbakAmA), she shall be given on the occasion of her remarriage (niveshakAle) whatever either her father-in-law or her husband or both had given to her.'
श्वशुरप्रातिलोम्येन वा निविष्टा श्वशुरपतिदत्तं जीयेत॥२३॥
śvaśuraprātilomyena vā niviṣṭā śvaśurapatidattaṁ jīyeta23
'If a widow marries any man other than of her father-in-law's selection, she shall forfeit whatever had been given to her by her father-in-law and her husband.'
{Chanakya was a minister and political adviser to the emperor Chandragupta (340-293 BC). His arthashAstra is a very comprehensive text on economy, state laws and management principles.}
श्लोकोऽयं मया रचितम्
ललित वचनसाकं ब्लोगमापूरितं हि ।
मनसि चलित वेगो प्रेरयत्यात्म बुद्धिं
मिलित विविध वृत्तं ब्लोगमेतन्निबद्धम् ।।
बालः = child (of sanskrit) writes slokas one by one by using soft words to fill in the Blog. And the enthusiasm of the mind leads to improve his/her intellect. The child writes the blog with different kind of slokas in different meters.
वैराग्यशतकम् - आशा - 8
निगृह्यान्तर्बाष्पं हसितमपि शून्येन मनसा।
कृतो वित्तस्तम्भप्रतिहतधियामञ्जलिरपि
त्वमाशे मोघाशे किमपरमतो नर्तयसि माम्।।
khalālāpāḥ soḍhāḥ kathamapi tadārādhanaparaiḥ
nigṛhyāntarbāṣpaṁ hasitamapi śūnyena manasā
kṛto vittastambhapratihatadhiyām añjalirapi
tvamāśe moghāśe kim aparam ato nartayasi mām
In an effort to serve the rich – whose are dull in intellect due to inactivity, I have had to tolerate their bad manners and talk; controlling my tears I have laughed with a empty mind; and bowed down to them too. O Desire, you whose desire is still not fulfilled! In what more ways are you going to make me dance to your tunes?
वैराग्यशतकम् - आशा - 7
निस्तीर्णः सरितां पतिर्नृपतयो यत्नेन सन्तोषिताः।
मन्त्राराधनतत्परेण मनसा नीताः श्मशाने निशाः

प्राप्तः काणवराटकोऽपि न मया तृष्णे सकामा भव।।

utkhātaṁ nidhiśaṅkayā kṣititalaṁ dhmātā girerdhātavo
nistīrṇaḥ saritāṁ patiḥ nṛpatayo yatnena santoṣitāḥ
mantrārādhanatatpareṇa manasā nītāḥ śmaśāne niśāḥ
prāptaḥ kāṇavarāṭako'pi na mayā tṛṣṇe sakāmā bhava
I have dug the earth in search of hidden treasures, smelted rocks for metals, crossed the ocean, served to please kings, spent nights in burial grounds concentrating on mantras and worship, and I did not get even a broken shell. So, O Desire! be satisfied.
What have we not done to satisfy our desires! We continue trying to satisfy our desire and will do so for the rest of our lives. In the end it is only DESIRE that satisfies itself.
मञ्जुरामायणम् - 3
उत्पत्य शीघ्रं रघुवंशनाथः हस्तेन जग्राह पुरारिचापम् ।।
आसाद्य = receiving
मुनीश्वरस्य = Sage Visvaamitra's
भ्रूभङ्गम् = the indication of brow
रघुवंशनाथः = best among raghus-Rama
मनसा = with mind (in his mind)
विभाव्य = thought
चापस्य = bow's
भङ्गं= breaking
शीघ्रं= quickly
उत्पत्य = got up(jumped)
जग्राह= took.
पुरारिचापम् = Bow of Parameshvara
हस्तेन= by his hand
After understanding the indication of the sage Visvamitara through his eyebrow movement, Rama, who is lord of the raghu dynasty, decided to break the bow of Shiva. He swiftly got up and held the bow.