Saastram speaks – 18शुभं वा यदि वा पापं द्वेष्यं वा यदि वा प्रियम्।
अपृष्टस्तस्य तद्ब्रूयाद्यस्य नेच्छेत्पराभवम् ।।
śubhaṁ vā yadi vā pāpaṁ dveṣyaṁ vā yadi vā priyam|
apṛṣṭastasya tadbrūyādyasya na icchet parābhavam||
The above sloka is from vidura nIti.
A concerned person, who is bothered by the downfall of the other person, should advise him without being asked and should always utter the truth whether it is good or bad, hateful or pleasant.
यदि – whether, शुभं – good, वा – or, पापं – bad, द्वेष्यं – hateful, वा – or, प्रियम् – pleasant, तस्य – To him, अपृष्टः – without being asked, तद्ब्रूयात् – truth has to be said, यस्य - whose, पराभवम्- downfall, न इच्छेत् – is not desired