इति सुप्रसिद्धः पल्लवराजा संस्कृतकविरपि आसीत् ।संस्कृतसाहित्ये
नाटकानि विरलान्येव। “हासो
हि नाम अनौचित्यपरिहासविरहः”। तेषु
नाटकेषु महेन्द्रविक्रमपल्लवप्रणीतं “मत्तविलासप्रहसनं” नाम नाटकम् मनोरञ्जकं भवति ।
दशरूपकेषु “प्रहसनमिति”
एकाङ्कयुक्तमिदं रूपकम् । अस्मिन् रूपके कवेः
अतिप्रशंसनीया शैली वर्तते । तस्मिन्
काले विद्यमानानां धर्माणां विवरणं, अस्य
प्रहसनस्य पात्रद्वारा, परस्परवाक्कलहरूपेण
च वर्णितमनेन कविना।
“सत्यसोमन्” इति शैवमतानुयायिन् परन्तु कापालिकः, “पाशुपतः” इति
शैवमतानुयायिन् तथा च “नागसेना” इति बौद्धभिक्षुः इति एतानि मुख्यपात्राणि।
एकस्मिन् श्लोके
कपालिन् सत्यसोमन्, देवं बुद्धं, बौद्धमतस्थापिनम् ,अस्माकं
शास्त्रस्तेयरूपेण वर्णितवान्
वेदान्तेभ्यो गृहीतार्थान् यो महाभारतादपि ।
विप्रान् मिषतामेव कृतवान् कोषसञ्चयान् ।।
आहृत्य, इदं
प्रहसनं हास्यरसरसिकानां कृते अतिरुचिकरं भवति ।
Vikrama Pallava
Vikrama Varman, one among the outstanding rulers of Pallava dynasty was also a
Sanskrit poet and well versed in the Language.
great Pallava king was the author of the text ‘Matta Vilasa Prahasanam’. Among
the ten types of Rupakam in Sanskrit this text falls under the ‘Prahasanam’
type which has the hasya rasa or the sentiment of comedy in Sanskrit.
the King’s authorship is attributed to two or three more texts in Sanskrit, due
to insufficient source or doubtful references, no conclusions can be arrived
authorship of ‘Matta Vilasa Prahasanam’ is enough to earn him a unique place in
the history of Sanskrit Literature.
based on comedy or Haasya in Sanskrit literature are very few in number. ‘MattaVilasa’ is a short piece with one act.
Characters belong to various religious sects of the time and they point to the
degeneration of the religious practices which were reduced to mockery. The
characters Satya Soma was a Kapalin or a Saiva Mendicant, Babrukalpa was a
Pasupata or a Saiva Monk and Nagasena a degenerated Buddhist monk. All of them
through their speech conveyed the religious background of the time.
verses like,
Where the Kapalin calls Buddha, a thief, for stealing the
doctrines from Mahabharata and Vedanta works before the vigilant eyes of
Overall, this work will definitely attract the minds of
readers by the style and the comic sense of the author.
The text, though not prescribed in any University, was
taught out of interest.Please listen to the audio lectures of the text in tamil .Link given below .. https://www.sanskritfromhome.in/course/mattavilasa_prahasanam
1 comment:
வணக்கம் . என் பெயர் பிரபாகர சர்மா. நாற்பது வருடங்களாக சத்தியப்பிரியன் என்ற பெயரில் பல்வேறு நூல்கள் எழுதியுள்ளேன். ஒரு தேர்ந்த அறிவாளி இல்லை. முறையான படிப்பு இல்லை என்றாலும் தேடுதல் இருப்பதால் இந்த உலகம் டிஜிட்டலாக சுருங்கி விட்டதால் எனக்குத் தேவையானவற்றைத் தேடி எடுப்பதில் கொஞ்சம் அனுபவ ஞானம் உள்ளது. அப்படி தேடும்போதுதான் vyoma Samskrta padasala வில் மத்தவிலாச பிரகசனம் என்ற நூலுக்கு நீங்கள் கொடுத்த அற்புதமான விளக்கங்களைக் கொடுத்திருப்பதைக் கண்டேன். என்னுடைய மொழியில் நடையில் இதனைத் தமிழில் நூலாகக் கொண்டு வர
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