श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते - 55


छायाशरीरे प्रतिबिम्बगात्रे यत्स्वप्नदेहे हृदि कल्पिताङ्गे।
यथात्मबुद्धिस्तव नास्ति काचिज्जीवच्छरीरे च तथैव मास्तु॥ (विवेकचूडामणि - 163)॥

chāyāśarīre pratibimbagātre yatsvapnadehe hṛdi kalpitāṅge|
yathātmabuddhistava nāsti kācijjīvaccharīre ca tathaiva māstu|| (vivekacūḍāmaṇi - 163)||

Just as you would not identify yourself with your shadow, your reflection, your dream-body or the body in your imagination, so too, you should not identify yourself with your living body.

A simple solution for a very difficult step towards self-realisation!


P.R.Gayathri said...

This sloka reminds me the sloka from KRISHNA KARNAMRTM

रत्नस्थले जानुचरः कुमारः सङ्क्रान्तमात्मीयमुखारविन्दम् ।
आदातु लाभस्तदलाभखेदात्
विलोक्य धात्री वदनं रुरोद ॥

Visalakshi said...

Kids think that reflection is real. In the world of Advaita, all beings are like kids and think of this body - a reflection of the absolute, as real!