श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते - 34

गिरौ मन्निवासे नरा येऽधिरूढा
स्तदा पर्वते राजते तेऽधिरूढाः ।
इतीव ब्रुवन्गऩ्धशैलाधिरूढः
स देवो मुदे मे सदा षण्मुखोऽस्तु ।।

The above sloka is from Adi sankara’s ‘subrahmanya bhujangam’.

Lord shanmukha, standing on the top of the sugandha hills says that whenever the devotees climb this hill they will be blessed with the same merits as climbing the king of mountains (kalilash). May the six- faced lord on the sugandha mountain bless me.

गन्धशैलाधिरूढः – the god shanmukha who resides on the ‘gandha (sandal wood) mountain , इति ब्रुवन् - says thus ----- ये नरा – those men, अधिरूढाः- climb, गिरौ – the mountain, मन्निवासे – which is my abode, (by climbing my mountain they are blessed with the same merits as climbing the mount kailash), तदा-then, ते अधिरूढाः – they have climbed ,इव –like , राजते पर्वते-silvery mountain that is kaliash,.
सः देवः- that lord, षण्मुखः – shanmukha (six faced lord), सदा- always, मुदे-be happy, मे अस्तु – with me.

It is believed that Lord subrahmanya has connection with serpents. If we see snake in our dreams then elders ask us to visit subrahmanya temple. In Karnataka there is a place called kukke subrahmanya, where poojas are performed to ward off the sarpa dosa.

Kanchi maha periyavaa said the following in one of his lectures – ‘Adi sankara has sung bhujangams on many gods. But when we think of bhujangam immediately we think of ‘subrahmanya bhujangam’
Probably to prove that subrahmanya himself is the bhujangam he wrote these slokas in the ‘chandas’ ‘bhujanga prayaatam’. The word ‘bhujangam’ means snake. ‘

वैराग्यशतकम् - विषयत्यागः - 16

स्तनौ मांसग्रन्थी कनककलशावित्युपमितौ
मुखं श्लेष्मागारं तदपि च शशाङ्केन तुलितम्।
स्रवन्मूत्रक्लिन्नं करिवरशिरस्पर्धि जघनं
मुहुर्निन्द्यं रूपं कविजनविशेषैर्गुरु कृतम्॥

Poets tend to describe the human body, women in particular with eloquent similes. Bhartrhari condemns the poets and points out the true nature of a human body. He says it is a storehouse of all that is contemptible, yet poets add grandeur to them by praise.

Adi Sankara gives a more refined touch to this in his मोहमुद्गर
नारीस्तनभरनाभीदेशं दृष्ट्वा मा गा मोहावेश।
एतन्मांसवसादिविकारं मनसि विचिन्तय वारं वारम्॥

Repeatedly think of the parts that give rise to delusion as mere transformation of flesh.

Pronunciation (उच्चारणम्) - Podcast 06

The final podcast in this pronunciation series is on visarga.

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Pronunciation (उच्चारणम्) - Podcast 05

अनुस्वारोच्चारणविषये एकमवलोकनम्।

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श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते - 33

गान्धर्वेण विवाहेन बह्वयो राजर्षिकन्यकाः ।
श्रूयन्ते परिणीतास्ताः पितृभिश्चाभिनन्दिताः ।। (3, 20)

The above sloka is from the third act of Abhignaana sAkuntalam of maha kavi kAlidAsa.

The context here is: Sakuntala is afflicted by love towards Dushyanta and at the same time she has the fear for elders. Dushyanta says the following words to her- “It is heard that the daughters of royal sages are married under the gAndharva form of marriage and they have also been approved by their fathers”.

बह्वयो –Many ; राजर्षिकन्यकाः – daughters of royal sages , परिणीताः – married under the , गान्धर्वेण- Gandharva form of, विवाहेन – marriage, श्रूयन्ते – heard. च – and , ताः – They are, अभिनन्दिताः – accepted , पितृभिः – by the fathers.

GAndharva is one of the eight forms of marriage recognized by the Hindu Law.

ब्राह्मो दैवस्तथैवार्षः प्राजापत्यस्तथासुरः ।
गान्धर्वो राक्षसश्चैव पैशाचश्चाष्टमोऽधमः ।।

Among these the voluntary union of the maiden and her lover is said to be the GAndharva form of marriage.

इच्छया अन्योन्यसंयोगः कन्यायश्च वरस्य च गान्धर्वः स तु विज्ञेयो ।