Audio format

We thank all the readers for your encouragement for this blog.We received a request from Dr.Aniruddha malpani to upload the slokas in the audio format. So, from now on we will try as much as possible to upload the slokas in the audio format as well.

वैराग्यशतकम् - विषयत्यागः - 18

अजानन् दाहात्म्यं पततु शलभस्तीव्रदहने
स मीनोऽप्यज्ञानाद्बडिशयुतमश्नुते पिशितम्।
विजानन्तोऽप्येते वयमिह विपज्जालजटिला-
न्न मुञ्चामः कामान् अहह गहनो मोहमहिमा॥18॥

ajānan dāhātmyaṁ patatu śalabhaḥ tīvradahane
sa mīno'pi-ajñānād-baḍiśa-yutam aśnute piśitam|
vijānanto'pi-ete vayamiha vipaj-jāla-jaṭilān-
na muñcāmaḥ kāmān ahaha gahano mohamahimā||18||

अजानन् - not knowing
दाहात्म्यं - its burning power
शलभः - firefly
पततु - may fall
तीव्रदहने - in the intense fire
अज्ञानात् - out of ignorance
स मीनोऽपि - the fish too
अश्नातु - may eat
पिशितं बडिशयुतम् - the fleshy bait
विजानन्तः अपि - even when we know
वयमिह - we
न मुञ्चामः - do not forsake
कामान् - desires
विपत्-जाल-जटिलान् - complicated with dangers
मोहमहिमा - power of delusion
अहह - alas!
गहनः - is inscrutable

We can excuse simple beings like fireflies and fish because it is out of ignorance that they keep falling prey. Can there be any excuse given for us human beings who are quite intelligent and have a pretty good understanding of how desires can trap us into a vicious circle of birth and rebirth? Yet, if we keep falling repeatedly into the clutches of these dangerous desires, then it shows how powerful and enigmatic delusion can be.

Sanskrit Quiz -3 (Answers)

The answers are

Raghuvamsa, Kumaarasambhavam, naishadham, Sisupaala vadham , Kiraataarjuniyam

रघुवंशः, कुमारसंभवः, नैषधम् , शिशुपालवधः , किरातार्जुनीयम्

Sanskrit Quiz – 3

The letters are jumbled here:

रा शु ष जु कु व नै र नी मा घु र ल वं सं शः भ वः धम् शि पा कि धः तार् यम्

Clue: The great poetics of Sanskrit.

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sanskrit quiz - 2 (Answers)

The answers are :

सीता , कैकेयी , कौसल्या , इन्दुमती , सुदक्षिणा

Seetha, Kaikeyi, Kousalya, Indumati, Sudakshina.

Shreevatsa R got all the answers correct .

Ujjwol Lamichhane
got 4/5

Sanskrit Quiz -2

The letters are jumbled here:

यी सु सी के द कौ न् क्षि इ कै ता णा ल् दु म स ती या

Clue: Queens of Raghu kula.

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शास्त्रं वदति- 29

Saastram speaks -29

संतुष्टो भार्यया भर्ता भर्त्रा भार्या तथैव च ।

यस्मिन्नेव कुले नित्यं कल्याणं तत्र वै ध्रुवम् ॥

Happiness is ever lasting in that family, where the husband is pleased with his wife and the wife with her husband.

भर्ता – The Husband, संतुष्टो – happy , भार्यया- by the wife, तथैव च -Likewise ,भार्या- Wife, (संतुष्टो) भर्त्रा-by the husband , यस्मिन्नेव कुले – in which family, तत्र-there, नित्यं वै ध्रुवम् – always indeed, कल्याणं-prosperity or happiness,

श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते – 57


छेत्तुमिन्दौ भवद्वक्त्रबिम्बविभ्रमविभ्रमम् ।

शङ्के शशाङ्कमानङ्के भिन्नभिन्नविधिर्विधिः ॥

Tha above sloka is from the twentieth canto of sri Harsha’s naishadeeya charitam.

In the above sloka Nala describes the beauty of Damayanti.He says ‘ Oh ! Damayanti, the creator, during his creation, has differentiated between object to object and person to person’.

And he further says ‘ I think the moon was also created with a black spot in order to remove the confusion between the moon and your shining face’.

sanskrit quiz 1 (Answers)

The answer is

भीमः , दुर्योधनः , कीचकः , हिडिम्बः , बकासुरः , जरासन्धः


The Correct answer posted by anupama Santharam.

sanskrit Quiz -1

The words are jumbled here:

मः भी नः यो दुर् ध कः च की डि म् बः हि रः ब सु का रा धः सन् ज

Clue : They are the six great warriors from the great epic. One among these six killed the remaining five.

Do not post the answer in the comment box. Send the answers to this email id: