घृतक्षीरद्राक्षामधुमधुरिमा कैरपि पदैः
विशिष्यानाख्येयो भवति रसनामात्रविशेषः ।
तथा ते सौन्दर्यं परमशिवदृङ्मात्रविशेषः
कथंकारं ब्रूमः सकलनिगमागोचरगुणे ।।
Tha above sloka is from Adi sankara’s Ananda lahari
Like words cannot describe the pleasant taste of ghee, milk, raisins and honey,Whose sweet taste can only be enjoyed by the tongue,Oh Goddess, how can we the ordinary people describe your beauty?that can be seen only by God Shiva.
घृत- ghee, क्षीर – milk, द्राक्षा- raisins, मधु- honey, मधुरिमा- taste or sweetness,
कैरपि पदैः विशिष्य – by any words, अनाख्येयो भवति – inexplicable, रसना – tongue ,मात्रविशेषः – only knows the taste.
तथा – Likewise, Oh Devi ,सकलनिगमागोचरगुणे- whose qualities can be understood only by the Vedas, ते- your, सौन्दर्यं- beauty, कथंकारं – how do , ब्रूमः – we say,
परमविशिवदृङ्मात्रविशेषः – as the beauty of the goddess can be seen only by the eyes of Lord siva.
If Adisankara himself cannot describe the beauty of goddess, then where are we meaner mortals?
Adi sankara in the beginning verse of ‘soundarya lahari’ says that one should have done some merit even to chant the name the goddess.
प्रणन्तुं स्तोतुं वा कथमकृतपुण्यः प्रभवति ।
यद्यत्संस्कृतसाहित्यविषये जानामि तत् लेखितुम् इदमेकं माध्यममिति मन्ये। अन्येऽपि लेखिष्यन्तीति आशासे।
शास्त्रं वदति- 21
Saastram speaks - 21
दिवसेनैव तत् कुर्यात् येन रात्रौ सुखं वसेत् ।
अष्टमासेन तत् कुर्यात् येन वर्षाः सुखं वसेत् ।। 57 विदुरनीतिः
दिवसेनैव- during the day, तत् कुर्यात् – to that, येन- by which, रात्रौ – during the night, सुखं- happily, वसेत् – live, अष्टमासेन- in the eight months, तत् कुर्यात्- do that, येन- by which, सुखं- happily, वसेत्- live, वर्षाः- whole year or the rainy season.
दिवसेनैव तत् कुर्यात् येन रात्रौ सुखं वसेत् ।
अष्टमासेन तत् कुर्यात् येन वर्षाः सुखं वसेत् ।। 57 विदुरनीतिः
The above sloka is from vidura nIti.
Do that during the day by which you can be happy in the night. Do that during the eight months of the year which may enable you to spend the year happily or the rainy season happily.दिवसेनैव- during the day, तत् कुर्यात् – to that, येन- by which, रात्रौ – during the night, सुखं- happily, वसेत् – live, अष्टमासेन- in the eight months, तत् कुर्यात्- do that, येन- by which, सुखं- happily, वसेत्- live, वर्षाः- whole year or the rainy season.
मञ्जुरामायणम् -6
जनबाष्पजलाश्रयप्रिया वरशृङ्गद्वयभीमदर्शना ।
मलिना मतिमान्द्यपीवरा महिषी सत्यमियं महीपतेः ।।
janabāṣpajalāśrayapriyā varaśṛṅgadvayabhīmadarśanā|
malinā matimāndyapīvarā mahiṣī satyamiyaṁ mahīpateḥ||
Kaikeyi is compared to buffalo in this sloka. The poet plays on the
word 'mahiShI' which means both a she-buffalo and queen.
(the meaning given within parantheses are attributes to she-buffalo)
मतिमान्द्यपीवरा = full of dull intellect (fat and brainless)
जनबाष्पजलाश्रयप्रिया = desirous of the pool of water formed by
people’s tears (loves to wallow in water)
वरशृङ्गद्वयभीमदर्शना = looking fierce due to her 2 boons (looking
fierce with 2 horns)
महीपतेः महिषी = The king's wife (Buffalo)
सत्यमियं = She is truly
मलिना = dirty.
मलिना मतिमान्द्यपीवरा महिषी सत्यमियं महीपतेः ।।
janabāṣpajalāśrayapriyā varaśṛṅgadvayabhīmadarśanā|
malinā matimāndyapīvarā mahiṣī satyamiyaṁ mahīpateḥ||
Kaikeyi is compared to buffalo in this sloka. The poet plays on the
word 'mahiShI' which means both a she-buffalo and queen.
(the meaning given within parantheses are attributes to she-buffalo)
मतिमान्द्यपीवरा = full of dull intellect (fat and brainless)
जनबाष्पजलाश्रयप्रिया = desirous of the pool of water formed by
people’s tears (loves to wallow in water)
वरशृङ्गद्वयभीमदर्शना = looking fierce due to her 2 boons (looking
fierce with 2 horns)
महीपतेः महिषी = The king's wife (Buffalo)
सत्यमियं = She is truly
मलिना = dirty.
श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते – 43
अर्धदुःखसुखमभ्यनयस्त्वं सास्रुभानुविहसद्विधुनेत्रः ॥ (21, 83)
The above sloka is from naishadIya charitam of srI Harsha.
Lord visnu is praised in the above sloka.
Mahavisnu’s two eyes are Chandra and surya. One eye of visnu started watering in grief while the other glowed with pride. In the kurukshetra battle, when Arjuna kills karna as adviced by lord Krishna, Chandra beams with pride as Arjuna belongs to the Chandra vamsa. And
Surya weeps in grief as karna is his son.
अर्कसुतः-son of surya, कर्णः-karna, दयालुः-the compassionate one, घातितः- killed in the battle, इन्दुकुलपार्थः- pArtha or arjuna , who belongs to the Chandra vamsa, जैत्रितः –was given the victory, कृतार्थः- by this the purpose of Krishna avataara is fulfilled, त्वं – you lord visnu, नेत्रः- your eyes, अभ्यनयः – were showing both, अर्धसुखं- happiness,and अर्धदुःखं-sorrow, ( the eyes of lord visnu are surya nad Chandra) भानुः –the sun , सास्रुः- was with tears (as his son karna was killed in the battle), विधुः – , Chandra, विहसत् – was smiling( as arjuna got the victory), ।
The victory of Arjuna and the death of karna is a known story. But the poet has imagined and brought it out in a creatively unique point of view.
अर्धदुःखसुखमभ्यनयस्त्वं सास्रुभानुविहसद्विधुनेत्रः ॥ (21, 83)
ghätitärkasutakarëadayäluù jetritendukulapärthakrtärthaù
ardhadukkhasukhamabhyanayastvam säsrubhänuvihasadvidhunetraù
हे विष्णो ! सूर्यचन्द्रयोः तव नेत्रत्वात् तथा कर्णस्य च सूर्यपुत्रत्वात् तन्नाशे सूर्यस्य शोको अभवत्। अर्जुनस्य चन्द्रवंशस्थत्वात् तस्य विजये चन्द्रः सुखमन्वभवत्। ताभ्याम् अर्धसुखमर्धदुःखाभिनयात् त्वम् अद्भुतरूपोऽसि।
The above sloka is from naishadIya charitam of srI Harsha.
Lord visnu is praised in the above sloka.
Mahavisnu’s two eyes are Chandra and surya. One eye of visnu started watering in grief while the other glowed with pride. In the kurukshetra battle, when Arjuna kills karna as adviced by lord Krishna, Chandra beams with pride as Arjuna belongs to the Chandra vamsa. And
Surya weeps in grief as karna is his son.
अर्कसुतः-son of surya, कर्णः-karna, दयालुः-the compassionate one, घातितः- killed in the battle, इन्दुकुलपार्थः- pArtha or arjuna , who belongs to the Chandra vamsa, जैत्रितः –was given the victory, कृतार्थः- by this the purpose of Krishna avataara is fulfilled, त्वं – you lord visnu, नेत्रः- your eyes, अभ्यनयः – were showing both, अर्धसुखं- happiness,and अर्धदुःखं-sorrow, ( the eyes of lord visnu are surya nad Chandra) भानुः –the sun , सास्रुः- was with tears (as his son karna was killed in the battle), विधुः – , Chandra, विहसत् – was smiling( as arjuna got the victory), ।
The victory of Arjuna and the death of karna is a known story. But the poet has imagined and brought it out in a creatively unique point of view.
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