श्लोकोऽयं मह्यं रोचते - 42

घनच्छन्नदृष्टिः घनच्छन्नमर्कम्
यथा निष्प्रभं मन्यते चातिमूढः।
तथा बद्धवद्भाति यो मूढदृष्टेः
स नित्योपलब्धः स्वरूपोऽहम् आत्मा॥ (हस्तामलकीयस्तोत्रम् 10)

ghanacchannadṛṣṭiḥ ghanacchannam arkam
yathā niṣprabhaṁ manyate cāti mūḍhaḥ|
tathā baddhavadbhāti yo mūḍadṛṣṭeḥ
sa nityopalabdhiḥ svarūpo'hamātmā||(hastāmalakiya stotram 10)

When the cloud covers the eyes, a fool says it is the sun that is covered by the cloud. In a similar way, the one whose vision is clouded by delusion, perceives the ever-present atman as bound.

This sloka is the perfect example of how simple the greatest truth can be. The cloud clouds our vision yet we say that it clouds the sun. Similarly, maya covers our vision and not the ever-luminous atman.


Vasu said...

Interesting sloka. Thanks for sharing it. Can you throw some light on the hastaamalakIya stotram too? Very interesting name - "Mango in the Hand stotra"? Any idea who is the author?

Visalakshi said...

Hastamalakiya stotra is said to be a dialogue between Adi Sankara and his disciple, Hastamalaka. 'hastaamalaka' means gooseberry in hand. This expression is used when one perceives any concept (esp. a difficult one) very clearly; just as how clearly one can perceive a gooseberry placed on one's hand.

WEB Source for sloka: http://www.advaita-vedanta.org/avhp/gifs/hastamalaka.gif

ePandit said...

संस्कृत में इतना सुन्दर ब्लॉग देखकर खुशी हुई। संस्कृत चिट्ठों के बारे में विकिपीडिया पर निम्न लेख लिखा है, देखें।

संस्कृत चिट्ठाजगत‎